On the 19th of March, the students at St. Anne’s Academy embarked on a unique and educational journey. The school organised a visit from Prison Me No Way, a program aimed at raising awareness about the realities of prison life and deterring young individuals from making detrimental choices. Throughout day, the students had the opportunity to engage in various workshops and interact with current and former prisoners, as well as professionals from different fields. Let’s delve into the insightful experiences they encountered.

The Launch: Setting the Stage

The day began with an impactful launch, where the students were provided with a comprehensive overview of what they could expect throughout the day. This set the stage for the thought-provoking workshops and activities that awaited them.

Choices Workshop: Learning from Personal Stories

One of the highlights of the day was the Choices Workshop, led by current serving prisoner. The students had the priviledge of hearing first - hand accounts of individuals who had made regrettable decisions and ended up in prison. Through the sharing of personal stories, the aim was to discourage the students from following the same path and getting involved with the wrong crowds.

County Lines: Raising Awareness about Gang Exploitation

Another significant workshop focused on the growing issue of county lines, where gangs groom and exploit vulnerable children. The pupils were educated about this alarming phenomenon, helping them understand the dangers and potential consequences associated with involvement in such activities.

Network Rail: Safety on the Railway

In partnership with Network Rail, the students received valuable information about the perils of trespassing on railway tracks. This workshop aimed to raise awareness about the importance of adhering to safety measures when near railway lines, emphasising the potential risks and consequences associated with unauthorised access.

One Punch: Understanding the Impact of Violence

The One Punch workshop shed a light on the tragic consequences of a single act of violence. By exploring real - life cases, the students gained a deeper understanding of the devastating effects that can result from a single punch. This workshop aimed to promote empathy, responsibility, and the importance of peaceful conflict resolution.

Prison Workshop: Seeing the Prison from Multiple Perspectives

To provide a comprehensive understanding of prison life, the students were led through a workshop by both an ex-prison officer and an individual who had experienced incarceration. This unique opportunity allowed the students to gain insights from different perspectives, enabling them to develop a more nuanced understanding of the prison system.

The visit to St. Anne’s Academy by PMNW on the 19th of March was an eye-opening experience for the students. Through engaging workshops and first-hand accounts, the students learned about the consequences of poor choices, the dangers of gang exploitation, railway safety, the impact of violence, and gained a deeper understanding of the prison system in the UK. This educational initiative aimed to empower the students to make informed decisions and avoid potentially harmful situations. The day served as a reminder of the importance of education, empathy, and maiing positive choices to shape a better future for themselves and their communities. 

Inspiring students at trinity academy thorne:a day of education and empowerment


MountBattern primary 26/02/24