a transformative DAY AT St. mary queen of martyr’s prIMARY SCHOOL: A GLIMSE FROM BEHIND BARS

On the 9th of January 2024, PMNW team spent a full day at St Mary Queen of Martyr’s Primary School which left a lasting impact on both the young students and the visitors involved. This Article recounts the fascinating workshops that were conducted throughout the day, shedding light on various important topics such as the British Law, Online Safety, Prison Life, Drugs, and the consequences of violence.

The Law: Understanding the Pillars of British Justice

One of the workshops focused on the British Law and its significance in our society. Through engaging discussions and interactive activities, the students were introduced to the fundamental aspects of the legal system. They explored the importance of following laws, understanding their rights and responsibilities, and the consequences of breaking the law. This session empowered the young minds to become responsible citizens and actively participate in shaping a just society.

Prison Life: The Reality Behind Bars

One of the most eye - opening sessions of the day involved a unique opportunity for the students to gain a first hand insight into prison life. Prison officers shared their experiences, providing an honest and informative account of what it is like working and living in prison. The students had the chance to explore a mock-up prison cell inside the back of PMNW van, helping them understand the realities and challenges faced by inmates. This immersive experience aimed to deter them from making choices that could lead them down a destructive path.

Drugs: Unmasking the Dangers

In yet another impactful workshop, the pupils were educated about the dangers of drug use and its consequences. Through interactive discussions, they learned about the physical, emotional, and societal impacts of drug addiction. The session emphasised the importance of making informed decisions, seeking support, and promoting a drug-free lifestyle. By arming the students with knowledge, the workshop aimed to empower them to make choices that prioritize their well-being and a positive future.

One Punch: The power of Non-Violence

This workshop focused on the grave consequences of violence, particularly the dangers associated with a single punch. Through thought-provoking discussions and real-life examples, the students were educated about the devastating effects of violence and the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully. This session aimed to instill empathy, respect, and a sense of responsibility within the students.

The Impact: A Day of Transformation

Throughout the day, the students displayed remarkable engagement and enthusiasm. The workshops provided them with valuable insights, encouraging them to think critically, make informed choices, and become responsible members of society. By addressing crucial topics - the day served as a catalyst for personal growth and positive change.


Prison me no way week in portmsouth: a valuable experience for students.


Hathershaw college 27/11/2023