Martongate Primary

On November 30th our PMNW team travelled to Bridlington to deliver a your choice day at Martongate Primary School. The PMNW team did a range of sessions including Prison Life, Anti-Social Behaviour, Drugs, Online safety, Fire Safety and The Law. The students were full of questions and enthused all through the day.

We started by going through the law and educating the year 5’s and year 6’s on a range of societal topics such like peer pressure, criminal age of responsibility, and respect of others. We then did a range of sessions like prison life where the children got to see a replica prison cell and ask any questions they have about life in prison. in online safety where they learnt how important it is to change your privacy settings and how dangerous it can be to speak to strangers. in the anti-social behaviour workshop they learnt about different crimes and the consequences they could face. The PMNW team finished off with a fun kahoot quiz just to recap on what they learnt.

Our PMNW had a fun, enjoyable and very memorable day with year 5’s and 6’s and really enjoyed the day. A massive thank you to all the staff at Martongate Primary School who thoroughly looked after us.




Crook Primary School 31/10/2022