Raising awareness on the causes, consequences, penalties & impact of crime.
Registered Charity 1049059 Scottish Charity SC040325 Company No 02953857
Children and young people we have helped
32 Years
The No Way Trust since 1993
1,400,000 +
Children and Young People we have worked with
Pupils said that our PMNW Crime Day was ‘Valuable’ or ‘Very Valuable’
Pupils said they would be less likely to commit a crime after experiencing one of these days
Set-up as the Prison! Me! No Way! (PMNW) Project by 3 Prison Officers from HMP Hull in 1993, PMNW has operated as a registered charity; The No Way Trust Ltd since 1995, and has worked face-to-face with over 1,400,000 children and young people.
Our Mission
The Trust wants to raise awareness amongst young people, aged 8 to 18, about the causes, consequences, penalties and impact of crime.
Inspire Young People
The Trust wants young people to stay safe, aspire and become law abiding citizens.
Crime Prevention
The Trust seeks to be the leading youth crime prevention/learning for life charity in the country.