Teacher- Giles Academy, Boston - 11/03/25 - Knife Crime
Very Good Information which has definitely made a positive impact. students were full engaged and wanted to participate and share ideas the whole session, as it was delivered in a way they connnected with.
Teacher - Thomas Cowley High School, 10/3/25 - Choices
Students listened in silence. Honest and engaging and very inspiring. Got over how easy it is to be manipulated. Presenter was really good at answering students questions, and demonstrating how this can happen to anyone, and how going to prison can affect your family as well as you.
Teacher - Thomas Cowley High School, Lincolnshire 10/3/25 - Prison Life
I have been in a lot of these sessions (not PMNW) and the students are often nervous/unwilling to speak. However, not in this session! A fantastic rapport generated with the students which created such a buzz. As a result, the students will remember the key messages from this session. The session was interactive through both questions + answers and videos which kept the students engaged. Thank you!!!
Teacher - Thomas Cowley High School, Lincolnshire 10/3/25 - Domestic Abuse Session
Students were very engaged in the session due to high levels of interaction. Some great points discussed that opened students minds to other aspects of domestic abuse. Real life examples were used to engage. I like how it touched on why people find it hard to leave, coercive control and how to recognise abuse or red flags.
Teacher - Thomas Cowley School, Lincolnshire -10/3/25 - Knife Crime Session
Students got involved in discussions videos make an impact. All students warned and given the option not to watch which was very supportive. Pupils really listened and asked load of questions - good they had to consider ‘guilty by association’ / ‘joint enterprise’ - Pleased that our students have had access to this session.
Parent - Suthers School, Newark 25/2/25
I just wanted to pass on my thanks to the staff and visitors for the Prison Me No Way day held in school today. My daughter ran to meet me to tell me it was the best day ever and she’d thoroughly enjoyed it. She’s been able to tell me so much about the people, their stories and what she’s learnt. Its so good for them to have had this information delivered in a relatable way. Many thanks again
Teacher - Castle View Academy 20/2/25 - Network Rail
Fantastic. An extremely emotive and powerful experience for students. The VR provides reality for students and all were captivated. Thank you to Network Rail and the engaging presenters.
Teacher - Oasis Academy, Freeston 11/2/2025
Interesting and informative session, built great relationships with students. Delivered vital and relevant messages to a group of very excited pupils. Best sessions of the day!!
Teacher - Cowplain School 4/2/25 - Knife Crime
The knife crime session was brilliant, we had a really passionate speaker talking about a very serious subject which all together made it very effective and interesting.
Student - Newland School for Girls 30/1/25
I think it will have a positive impact on my future and my future choices because the information was very inspiring and opened my eyes on how to think through carefully before making a choice
Teacher - Castle Mead Academy, Leicester 22/1/2025
The presenter was enthusiastic and engaging for students of all ability working one on one and with a group as a whole. Students really got to understand dangers/impacts/ways to check for dangers in relationships with them recognising it for themselves
Teacher - Rushy Mead Academy, Leicester 21/1/2025
All students were fully engaged. They were listening to every word, you captured their attention to then give them the most valuable life advice. This is exactly what young people need to hear. Thank you for sharing your story. Our kids will take so much from this.
Teacher - Outwood Academy Brumby, Scunthorpe 20/1/2025
Very personable with young people and created a great atmosphere in the classroom. Very powerful session where students were all engaged with the content - lot’s of new information for them. Challenged stereotypes and had excellent focus on new vocabulary.
Teacher - Outwood Academy Brumby, Scunthorpe 20/1/2025
Really passionate and impactful. All students super engaged and such a relevant session for our pupils. Great start to the day. All students had opportunity to link learning back to their lives.
Teacher - Arthur Mellows Village College, Peterborough 15/1/2025
As a school, we will never solve every problem but if just a handful of students make changes or are more aware of risks then it has been an invaluable day. When going around the different sessions, students appeared to be really listening and engaged with every workshop.
Students - Chingford School, London 13/1/2025
It made me so aware of all the dangers around us; certain parts have stuck in my mind and will prove to be useful in future. The teachers were very kind and understanding so it would have made a positive impact on everyone’s day.
Student - Magnus Academy, Newark 8/1/25
I will never ever enter prison now all thanks to the workshop!!! Visiting the cell made me see how cold and boring it would be.
Student - Magnus Academy, Newark 7/1/2025
The thing that stood out mostly to me was when we were learning about knife crime and drugs. Seeing how it affects people and what happens if we do get involved in those types of things, made us aware.
Teacher - Frederick Gough School, Scunthorpe 16/12/24 - knife crime
Very hard to watch and listen to, students didnt know much about it but everyone has ta\ken something away from it.
Teacher - Holderness Academy, 13/12/24 - choices
Wow, what a story! You could hear a pin drop. Students were engaged and listened throughout, very hard hitting. I feel that your message was shared and heard, thank you.
Teacher - Oasis Leesbrook, Oldham 9/12/2024
This session was extremely valuable to our students. I have pesonally taught this class about county lines before, and I can see that this session was far more impactful due to your extensive knowledge. They respond well to a change of face and were clearly engaged. Your stories and real-life examples shocked and engaged the students- very important as many students in this community are vulnerable but don’t realise it. Now they fully understand the dangers of county lines and can safeguard themselves better. Thank you!
Teacher - St Vincents Academy, Hull 21/11/2024
The Prezi files were really good- the visuals hooked the children in; they were all delivered in a safe, friendly and caring way. All of the trainers were excellent and knowledgeable around their subjects and Y6 really enjoyed listening to and having their questions answered.
Teacher - Cathedral Academy, Wakefield 15/11/2024
Pitched well to suit the group. Sobering content delivered appropriately in an engaging manner. All contributed and were asking questions; thank you for a fantastic session.
Parent of a student from Wingfield Academy, Rotherham 29/11/24
Not very often does my son want to talk about their day at school, that is until you attended. This by far has had a very big impact on my son, the real stories by real life people. Keep doing what you are doing, children of today will realise the paths they are taking and prove to themselves they can be better and achieve higher. Thankyou.
Teacher - Domestic Abuse - St Cuthberts, Rochdale 26/11/24
Students were very included and interested. The workshop was highly insightful and relevant.
Teacher - County Lines - Royds Hall, A SHARE Academy, Huddersfield 13/11/24
Fab engagement. Really good examples given and real life scenarios. Very important and valuable for students life understanding
Teachers - CHOICES Royds Hall, A SHARE Academy, Huddersfield 13/11/24
Brilliant - thank you guys. Should be done in all schools. Full of information, pupils all engaged as well as staff. Amazing.
Powerful stories with powerful messages. Thank you for sharing and being so open.
Teacher - Prison & Replica Prison Cell - Brayton Academy, Selby 11/11/24
Very interesting and interactive with the pupils. All very engaged asking lots of questions as well as learning lots.
Teacher - Prison Life 18/10/24 PARKSIDE ACADEMY
It was a great workshop for the children and they were very receptive to the questions. Brought to life the reality of prison life - fascinating talk. Fantastic experience of the mock up prison cell too! Excellent insight with personal stories from people that have worked in prison. Brilliant!
Teacher - Choices 17/10/24 OUTWOOD ACADEMY BISHOPGARTH
The workshop was excellent. It was very well balanced - hard hitting at times whilst also being entertaining and funny. Pupils will certainly understand what life in prison is REALLY like. Engaging story telling and the children asked loads of questions and the honest and accurate stories told were eye opening to the students and has corrected some misconceptions.
Teacher - Knife Crime 17/10/24 OUTWOOD ACADEMY BISHOPGARTH
Brilliant engagement with our young people. Put situations into contexts they understand, really relatable. Pupils had an opportunity to consider their own role in crime and what they would do. Very interesting and the PMNW presenter had a wealth of knowledge which made the students think about the consequences of carrying a knife. Thank you!
Teacher - County Lines 11/10/24 Kelvin Hall School, Hull
The presenter created a very positive atmosphere in the classroom, connecting well with the students. Students were involved in scenarios and the presenters humour had the class eating out of her hand. Students certainly learned a lot about the gang behaviour in county lines. They were provided with real life examples of the dangers of being involved. The session was interactive . Students asked relevant questions, which were answered adequetly. Overall, it was a positive learning environment, which the students definitely benefited from.
Student - Wolfreton School 10/10/24
The car safety lesson really changed my perspective on speeding and using your phone while driving. Also county lines lesson was really interesting and I’ve learned a lot of serious information in a fun engaging way.
Student - Thomas Alleyne’s, Uttoxeter 26/09/24
The first talk we had, ‘Choices’, from an ex prisoner was absolutely fascinating but heartbreaking. What stood out most to me out of the day was Melanie talking about her life and how/why she got sent to prison, I found it very moving and showed me that you should be more careful about what you do and who you associate with. That really stood out from the day to hear about her life choices. I think that it will impact me in the future because of how bad they were saying prison is and that you can lose friends and relatives for what you have illegally done. I believe it will help me be more aware about the dangers of what can happen to you and will have a positive impact on my future choices.
Student - St John Wall 04/10/24
I learnt to make good choices and be smart with what you do. Also not to get into crime because you will end up with a consequence no matter what you’ve done.
Student - Castleford Academy 12/07/24
(I learnt) the importance of the choices we make and the freedom we have in society. Its in our hands to make the right ones. You don’t have to fall into the wrong crowd to get into trouble; although it may have its impacts it’s always your own choice.
Student - Kettlethorpe High School 06/09/24
It made me think about how life can be difficult for some people. I now know more about the dangers and what is and what isn’t safe. I believe the day had a very positive impact on myself and others.
Student - St John Wall 18/07/24
The day altogether has taught me various things which I can do keep out of a lifestyle that will lead me to prison. It opened my eyes to reality in how severe and dangerous life and its consequences will be. Now being Self-aware, I believe I will always be mindful of my actions.
Teacher - South Hunsley 21/07/24
Fabulous session, great content. The two prisoners spoke well and engaged the students - making it relatable as their journey shared while still in year 9 and explained how they had got to where they are.
Teacher - Castleford 12/07/24
Made the pupils think about the consequences of their actions. the session also gave the pupils a glimpse into what prison is like. Very informative and engaging
Teacher - Lincoln Christ Hospital 15th of June 2024
Amazing session. Having serving prisoners really had a strong impact on the students. It was hard hitting and the shock factor really made the students think. Excellent session!!
Teacher -Lincoln Christ Hospital School 15th June 2024
Students were engaged and were asked their opinions. It was pitched to keep them interested. Good mix of video + discussion.
Rachel Hull, Head of APEX - Snaith School 1st July 2024
Everyone was so lovely and friendly and I think the down to earth nature of those delivering the sessions helped the kids feel immediately at ease too. I can't tell you how many Year 9 students have stopped me on corridors today to tell me how much they enjoyed yesterday too so truly, it was a huge success and we are very grateful to you all!
Teacher - Winifred Holtby, Hull - 18/6/24 - Choices
Students were enthralled, the workshop was honest and open which resulted in a big impact, interested to hear about reading, meditation and self help. Had a lasting impression on everyone in the room. Thankyou!
Teacher - Winifred Holtby, Hull - 18/6/24 - Knife crime
Very valuable. Hard hitting, clear and direct instruction/information, gave the students choices but told them of the consequences. very informative & honest with them, stats were invaluable to hear, session was aimed at the girls as much as the boys, necessary truths.
Teacher - Audenshaw Boys, Greater Manchester - 17/6/24 - Drug Awareness
Very valuable. Loads of knowledge for the boys and their choices, the boys where engaged and excellent message for them and their future choices.
Teacher - Audenshaw Boys, Greater Manchester - 17/6/24 - Life Sentence
Very valuable. students hooked & hanging onto the speakers every word. The car set up with the students worked really well as did all the videos provided.
Teacher - Lincoln Christ hospital school- 13/6/24 - county lines
Really strong delivery of county lines and what is involved. Very knowledgeable and engaging for the students, a real strength was the pace, kept things moving throughout and the interactive nature with discussions and videos was successful.
Teacher - Cox Green School 11/6/24 - Great Western Railway
Really engaging topic and mannerisms. Honest and frank presenter. Message certainly went in, very moving. Raised awareness of less obvious threats to safety. A real-life lesson.
Teacher - Manor Croft Academy, Dewsbury - 23/5/24 - Life Sentence
Very powerful and valuable. Students were fully engaged with the topic, while he was friendly and comedic with the students, the message really hit home with students by the end. Thank you so much for sharing what must have been such a painful experience with them.
Teacher - Manor Croft Academy, Dewsbury - 23/5/24 - Knife Crime
Very powerful and meaningful impacts for the students. Forced them to think about reasons and consequences of carrying a knife is essential. Very relevant and engaging. Good mix of interaction/video clips (age appropriate) and serious discussion. Thank you.
Teacher - Ian Ramsey Academy, Stockton on Tees - 20/5/24 - One Punch
Very valuable. Extremely important for our pupils to see this can happen – hopefully will make them think. Pupils were captivated throughout. Resources were excellent too.
Teacher - Bridlington School - 9/5/24 - Prison Life
A very informative and eye-opening insight into prison life. Thank you! Pupils were engaged and asked questions. Really informative clear and concise info. Great interaction with students.
Teacher - Trinity Academy - 2/5/24 - County Lines
Very valuable session. Very well led - expertise, wide range of knowledge/information imported. Lively and engagingly led. Very good use of Q&A. Difficult topic handled well. Many thanks.
Teacher - Crofton Academy, Wakefield - 1/5/24- CHOICES
Really engaging. Had an amazing rapport/connection with the students. Students were engrossed. Very hard hitting talk I am sure it has made the students think. Excellent delivery. Our hard to engage students were so switched on.
Teacher - Carleton High School, Pontefract - 24/4/24
Very valuable, well delivered- knows her stuff and related well to the students, very honest and got to the level of the students, explained everything clearly and involved the students! Seemed to impact the students a lot.
Student - Houlton High School, Rugby - 23/4/24
I found really important and inspirational how with choices she made some bad decisions and she has realised what happened and why it happened and how she’s tried to make a really positive change to society. I also learnt that even being around a person that has done crimes that you knew of can get u into trouble.
The most important thing I learnt from that day his how easy kids can be lured into to doing something illegal. Think about all of the decisions your making becuase you dont know what it can lead you to. I also took away many new facts I never knew before and I learnt many important things for example you should always think for yourself, don’t follow others in doing the wrong things because you want to ‘fit in’.
Student - Beckfoot School, Bradford - 16/4/24
I enjoyed when we got to talk to the ex prisoner because he told us what can happen if we make bad choices in life and I also like how kind all the prison me no way people were and it teaches me about the future and what my consequences could be if i do something bad that could get me in trouble with the police. The staff were awesome.
Teacher - Outwood Academy valley , Worksop - 15/4/24 - Domestic Abuse
Very valuable, some really good discussions had by the whole group, speaker really good at facilitating discussion, especially from quiter students, use of social media and language like ‘icks in relationship’ made it accessible and engaging for pupils. Also allowed for plenty of debates and discussion, very eye opening. Students will have learnt plenty from this lesson. very good.
Teacher - Kings School, Hull - 09/4/24 - Prison/Choices
I also believe bring out prisoners was a really good idea as we connected almost instantly thank your so much for reading my review on this amazing day I have had with the PMNW and I would love for them to come back one day.
Teacher - Cottingham High School, Hull - 09/4/24 - Choices
The honesty and candour of the presenters was excellent. Students found the information hard hitting. They got some understanding of the day to day experience of prisoners and was engaging and informative, questions asked and answered throughout. Students was extremely focused and both presenters where extremely approachable.
Teacher - Cortiani School, Hull - 26/3/24 - Prison Life
So engaging for the students and also very informative about the system. Seeing the prison cell gave great insight. Pupils really enjoyed being able to ask questions. So open and engaging for students. Thank you.
Teacher - Marvell college , Hull - 21/3/24 - One Punch
Taught a very valuable lesson about emotions, self defence and the law. The debate and discussions had between the students were incredible and really informed them and educated them well.
Teacher - Trinity House , Hull - 18/3/24 - Knife Crime
Very valuable. Informative, gave useful facts about knife crime and experiences, made the students think, showed them the harsh truths, a very clear message delivered. Students responded well.
Student - Spalding Academy , South Lincolnshire - 14/3/24
Student 1 - I found it really interesting and I got to learn new things I would love to do it all again.
Student 2- Overall I feel like the day was very informative, the lessons were very fun and I am glad that the workshops were very interactive and allowed us to physically do something within them like the Red Cross lesson.
Student 3- I think that learning about the past experiences from ex-prisoners will help me to learn what mistakes not to make in my life.
Student - Finham Park School, Coventry - 08/3/24
Everything was good. The choices talk we got was the best part of the day and the first aid lesson was very informative. I think it was a good day to take part in and experience what life would be like if we made the wrong choices.
Students - Rushden Academy, Northamptonshire - 07/3/24
Student 1- interesting and fun because we were able to participate and learn about how bad choices will come back to you even if you never did something wrong and you were around criminals like drug dealers.
Student 2- very good and enjoyable. It wasnt filled with worksheets and still was interactive and the people that run the workshops are good aswell.
Student 3- I loved it, it was really good and i learned a lot. I loved B’s story, didn't get bored the whole hour and learned a lot. He's a really cool and nice guy. The prison is in the truck was very cool to see and interesting. The gangs and knives session with Ben was hilarious, he's very intriguing.
Student 4- I found the day as a whole very informative and motivational because learning how different things work in court and how you can be treated in prison, hearing the stories really impacted me because the outcome could have been so bad. It was a great day and i would love to do it again.
Teacher - Parkside Primary School, Goole - 01/3/24 - Prison life
What a fantastic session! Really informative and delivered in a way way which fully engaged the children. Questions were answered appropriately and the story telling and delivery of the session, really pictured a clear picture of prison life. The cell really helped them understand.
Teacher - Driffield School, Driffield - 29/2/24 - Domestic Abuse
Very valuable. Instructor spoke in a way that was very clear for students to understand. Students should have a better understanding of all forms of abuse. Really powerful. Lillie was so clear and encouraged safe and productive conversation. It made a serious issues acceptable to talk about and really tackled issues they face in school. So good!
Teacher - Ormiston, Maritime Academy, Grimsby - 27/2/24 - County Lines
Very valuable, the students did not have a lot of knowledge of county lines before hand, all information and relevant. Excellent delivery, and kept the pupils engaged.
Teacher - Ormiston, Maritime Academy, Grimsby - 27/2/24 - Choices
Very engaging. Spoke well with the students and they were generally very sensible and engaged with the guests. Was fantastic, student engaged and intrested. Had great interaction with students and vice versa. Really enjoyed this session.
Teacher - The Garibaldi School, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire - 22/2/24 - Knife Crime
Students were very engaged from the start of the session, lots of student involvement and relating to the topic to the lives of students. Overall very useful and informative for students.
Teacher - The Garibaldi School, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire - 22/2/24 - Domestic Abuse
Very engaging . Age appropriate. Pupils were hooked. Using a Nottingham case was good to see a local example. Dynamic presenter and lot of different views used.
Teacher - West Walsall E-ACT Academy, West Midlands, 21/2/24 - Domestic Abuse
Content was very thought provoking with valuable information regarding domestic abuse. Behaviour was good due to engagement in discussion and videos and addressing students. Students where engaging in positive discussions that generated unique and informative feedback/answering.
Grandparent to student - Hornsea School School and Language College, East Yorkshire 19/2/24
Well done guys... My grandson at Hornsea Eastgate school told us they had a visit from you guys.... They thoroughly enjoyed it apparently, it was 'ACE', they learnt alot.... Thanks for the work you guys do educating our young 👍... From a retired Prison Service Colleague @ HMP Hull Thankyou so much
Students - Hornsea School School and Language College, East Yorkshire 19/2/24
Student 1- How my choices effect my future and that everything is down to you and you can not blame someone else for your own actions.
Student 2- Your choices impact more than you first imagine them to.
Student 3- Don’t carry knives because you’ll just end up stabbing yourself, don’t lead a life of crime.
Teacher - Hornsea School and Language College, East Yorkshire 19/2/24 - Online Safety
The workshop was very valuable, Lillie was clear and informative and the ground responded really well having some honest conversations which were educational for the students regarding how to be safe. It was a really good session and Lillie was really good at presenting the info- talked about difficult subjects in a way students understood. Really good to hear this off other people and give real examples.
Teacher - Castle View Enterprise Academy, Sunderland 15/2/24 - Prison Life
Prison is all about loss; you could literally feel that when we visited the cell. Real life, hands on experience allowed students to put themselves directly in that situation.
Teacher - Ingleby Manor Academy, Stockton-on-Tees 14/2/24 - Choices Session
The session provided by the Prison Officer and Prisoner emphasised the long term consequences and loss of freedom even after release. The relationship between prison staff and prisoner was an excellent anecdote for students. The youth of the prisoner was beneficial for students to experience. Thank you so much.
Student - Ingleby Manor Academy, Stockton-on-Tees 14/2/24
Don’t hang around with the wrong people and be mindful of what you are doing and if you should be doing that or if you should be there at that particular time and to not make bad decisions later on in life and to not do stuff now that can effect me later.
Teacher - Admiral Lord Nelson School, Portsmouth 9/2/24 - County Lines
Students were engaged and had their eyes opened to the dangers of exploitation. Some will sadly know people in their areas that are involved. Clear focus on keeping them safe and away from CL’s and showing there is a way out.
Teacher - Cowplain school , Portsmouth 6/2/24 - County Lines
Very valuable session - students engaged in the session and understood the different ways recruitment into gangs can happen. Hopefully giving them signs to look out for and to keep themselves safe. You communicated brilliantly with the students.
Teacher - Goffs Churchgate Academy, Hertfordshire 29/1/24 - Knife Crime
Very valuable session. Good for our students to see the impact of knife crime. Whole session was extremely eye-opening and engaging for all.
Teacher - Fir Vale School Academy Trust - 19/12/23 - County Lines
Content is extremely relevant to the age group. Some students may have not heard of county lines before so having a safe environment and expert to talk to them is very helpful. Class was very interested and students have learned new terminology, I also loved how you have used the students to explain examples of county lines. Super valuable experience for our pupils!
Teacher - Fir Vale School Academy Trust - 19/12/23 - Domestic Abuse
Very valuable session. Lillie shared personal perspectives which helped engage the students. Full of facts and definitely got the students thinking - more awareness of red flags. A fabulous session, thank you!
Teacher - Bridlington Headlands- 11/12/23 - The Law
Very valuable. Approached some very difficult issues. Generally very well received by the kids. The cell in the van brought the reality home for a lot of the kids.
Teacher - Pearson Primary - 08/12/23 - The Law
Majority of children unaware of some laws such as punching, slapping or assault. Had great discussions of hate crimes. Very valuable as it’s cleared up any misconceptions the children had about the laws in this country.
Teacher - Dorchester Primary - 07/12/23 - One Punch
One of the most powerful workshops that while the content was difficult the fact he delivered it so well and to watch young children be really mature shows how impactful this was for them. I hope to God this will last with them forever.
Teacher - Dorchester Primary - 07/12/23 - The Law
Very valuable, very impactful to have a police officer too. Pupils were highly engaged- very important messages were shared that were pertinent to the community. A very engaging start to the day.
Teacher - Dorchester Primary - 07/12/23 - One Punch
Very very very valuable session. Amazing delivery where approach encouraged the children to make their own mind up - really impactful.
Staff - East Yorkshire Pupil Referral Unit / Special School - 05/12/23
Thank you to your team for their recent visit. Our pupils thoroughly enjoyed the day and even today many have been talking about visiting the prison cell and having the knife crime talk. Their favourite so far was the prison talk, listening to the guest speaker and looking around the cell. We absolutely enjoyed the day and look forward to working with you again in the future. Staff are very knowledgeable and worked really hard to keep pupils engaged.
Teacher - Hathershaw College - 22/11/23 - County Lines
Students really engaged in the session. Some good ideas and lots of misconceptions adressed. Videos led to lots of discussions which helped improve their knowledge of how children can get trapped. The session led to some good discussion and role play worked brilliantly.
Teacher - Essa Academy, Bolton - 14/11/23 - Life Sentence
So eye opening, think students were challenged well and understood the impact of small actions. Powerful, thank you!!
Student - Thomas Becket Catholic School - 9/11/23 - Choices
Its inspiring how you changed your life around. Keep up the good work and don’t give up.
Teacher - The Parker E-Act Academy, Daventry - 8/11/23 - Choices
Super informative. Students were so engaged. Very strong message over how choices impact life. Very impactful and helpful to develop our kids. Thank you for sharing your story.
Teacher - Elloughton Primary School - 24/10/23 - Northern Power
Informative and relevant to the age group. Clearly explained and pupils felt comfortable to ask lots of questions - which allowed the children to see the real world risks of electricity and how to keep themselves safe. Brian worked hard to make the material easy for the children to understand. He encouraged respect of electricity rather than fear.
Teacher - Elloughton Primary School - 24/10/23 - Prison Life
Very valuable session. Children had plenty of time to share knowledge and ask questions. All pupils were acknowledged and all were engaged in the session and interested to learn about prison life. Pupils benefited from the cell experience to enhance their learning and understanding.
Teacher - St Thomas More Catholic Primary School - 16/10/23 - Prison Life
Children were so excited by the prison cell van and had so many questions. The information was very useful and the children were able to ask any questions so they had a full understanding
Teacher - St Thomas More Catholic Primary School - 16/10/23 - ABS
Every child was engaged in the day. One kept telling me this was the best day ever. Another thought the day was over early and was really disappointed. The staff were professional, relatable and had a wonderful way of interacting with the children. Overall amazing day!
Teacher - Roundhay School - 09/10/23 - County Lines
Josie was really engaging and kept the students attention throughout. They will have appreciated the frankness and honesty. Treated them with so much respect!
Teacher - St Charles V.C Academy - 02/10/23 - ASB
Showed a good understanding of appropriate cause and consequence, really engaged with the students and helped them understand Anti Social Behaviour - all levels of it. Thank You!
Teacher - St Charles - 02/10/23 - Prison Life
Children engaged throughout. Delivery of information was excellent and again pitched perfectly. Enough to make children think without being ‘too much’ Fantastic session!
Teacher - Sydney Stringer - 22/09/23 - Choices
Your ability to engage students is fantastic, you are ‘real’ and our students have taken so much from this so have I. You do not need any presentation or resources - your story is enough.
Student - Sydney Stringer - 22/09/23 - Drugs
Really interesting and good to mention energy drinks and alcohol as drugs as we just seem to think these are okay but do not know about health risks. I like how you seem to not judge drug addicts - educating rather than scare mongering.
Teacher - Outwood Academy Portland - 22/09/23 - County Lines
Excellent explanations regarding County Lines, the students were fully engaged. Interactive with students throughout, informative and thought provoking. Thank you!
Received by email 19/9/23
Just got to say, I'm 24 now and i STILL think about the prison no way not me day we had in secondary school and how much i was affected by the day. I was a good kid and didn't have any behavioural issues but oh my goodness it helped me so much to become more empathetic and be more actively aware of the 360 view of criminals and prisons. Just wanted to say thank you.
Teacher- Brayton Academy- 12/09/23
The lead teacher of the day commented that they were in awe of you all. They had never witnessed such a diverse day. The school have already booked for 2024. You certainly inspired them!
Teacher- Brayton Academy- 12/09/23 - One Punch
’’Powerful information that got students thinking. Very valuable for the students. They definitely benefited from seeing the two different stories. Thank you for accommodating 2 groups last minute.
Teacher - Holyhead North Wales - August 2023
’’It was a pleasure to have you and the team here once again and can you share my thanks with everyone for delivering such personal accounts and an informative day. I was proud of all the young people during the day and do hope that this intervention does have an impact on how they think and behave in the future. Thank you!’’
The Snaith School June 2023
’’Thank you so much for coming into The Snaith School and passing on your knowledge and experiences with our Year 10 pupils. As you can see from the feedback forms, they really enjoyed the day and got a lot out of it. Many Thanks, The Snaith School.’’
Teacher - South Craven Academy - 18/07/23 - County Lines
Really good! Delivered in a way the Students found interesting, very informative. Students listened well and asked lots of questions regarding County Lines.
Teacher - South Craven Academy - 18/07/23 - One Punch
Excellent session. Real life case study really helps to maintain interest and participation of class. Well structured to get students ‘‘hard thinking’’. Made students think of actions before carrying them out. Thank You.
Pupil- Castleford Academy - July 2023
’’Choices affect more people then you realise, its important to stop and think. Before an action may have greater consequence then first antisipated.’’
Pupil- Castleford Academy - July 2023
Four things I have learnt from today.
’’How a lot of small mistakes can have big consequences. Trap houses are unwillingly taken from mainly the elderly. People in Category D prisons are aloud a few home visits a month. What cells look like for prisoners serving a prison sentence.
Teacher - Seaham academy - 17/07/23 - One Punch
Fantastic session- Engaging all the way through. Lovely use of a real life story and build up to the outcome. Valuable for both boys and girls and teaches them that actions leads to consequences.
Pupil- Tupton Hall- 13/07/23 - Choices
I really enjoyed the choice and consequences workshop. the Prisoners story was very interesting, and I learned something important. I feel more confident in actions and safety now.
Teacher - Sirius North - 30/06/23 - County Lines
Very valuable workshop- really relevant to our students, encouraged really in depth discussions. Think it opened their eyes to the reality of getting involved in this! Thank you!
Teacher - Woodham Academy - 27/06/23 - One Punch
Very valuable, hard hitting and really engaging so many opportunities for pupils to reflect and consider the consequences of their actions.
Teacher - Belmont community School - 26/06/23 - Choices
I really enjoyed the choice and consequences workshop. Sofiya's story was very interesting, and I learned something important. I feel more confident in actions and safety now.
Teacher - Rugby High - 22/06/23 - County Lines
Very insightful, very knowledgeable and relatable to the students. All students very engaged asking and answering questions. Really enjoyed it! Thank you Josie.
Teacher - Rugby High - 22/06/23 - Domestic Abuse
Good presentation of Domestic Abuse, pupils fully engaged in workshop. Pupils had time to discuss. Lillie had a good presence in the room - talking to students like an elder sibling, very approachable a nice atmosphere was created. Thank you!
Teacher - West Yorkshire School - June 2023
I just wanted to thank you and your team for an amazing day. Our students (and it is a particularly tricky year group) were so focused, enthused, engaged and challenged to think really hard about the choices they make and will have to maybe consider in the future. I would advocate any school to book a day with your team, it is so vital and we can't deliver this kind of life experience in school without your work. As always, an awesome day.
Student - Cox Green School, Maidenhead 14/6/23 - Choices session
In my opinion the Choices session in the theatre stood out the most from the day because it was a real eye opener of how going to prison impacts not just you, but your friends and family as well.
Head of Department - Yorkshire School June 2023
As a school, we really look forward to welcoming you and your team each year. Our students - and staff - get so much out of your workshops. It's the one event that every student remembers from their time with us. Several of the teachers who accompanied students today came to tell me what an amazing day they had and how impactful it was, for staff and students alike. We have some characters in Y8 and yet the absolute vast majority were in sessions and engaged. That's testament to you and your team, so thank you! You are without doubt our favourite guests and we look forward to seeing you all again next year.
Teacher - Anglo European - 16/05/2023 - Prison Life
Gerry was very engaging and had the students captivated by the stories. It was excellent to have the replica of the cell made the students immerse themselves in the world of prison! Good reality check for them. Students had lots of questions!
Teacher - Anglo European - 15/05/2023 - County Lines
Impactful presentation. Speaker made the information interesting and relatable students were fully engaged. Thanks.
Teacher - Anglo European - 15/05/2023 - Knife Crime
Striking content, very detailed examples; a real eye-opener for young teenagers. Very well delivered, students very attentive and engaged.
Teacher - Crofton Academy - 04/05/2023 - One Punch
Very engaging delivery. The class was very quite (to quite in fact!) Paul brought them into the discussion. Really informative about the law/self defence etc. Important for students to see both sides and discuss their viewpoints - hard hitting and impactful. Especially as this has happened in our community! Thank you.
Teacher - Crofton Academy - 04/05/2023 - Choices
Very valuable - pupils completely engaged in the session. Great real life examples - showing pupils how easy it is to go to prison. Prisoner also showed how easily she became involved in crime also provided valuable thinking parts for the pupils. Thank you!
Teacher - Spalding Academy - 28/04/2023 - Domestic Abuse
Very informative. Gave students a lot to think about, mixture of discussions, videos and music which kept the students interested. Good examples of the different types of domestic abuse.
Teacher - Carlton High school - 26/04/2023 - CEOP
Relatable and engaging. Very informative and allowed students to ask questions, presenter guided pupils through some of the information they have accepted in ‘‘terms and conditions’’ a lot were not aware of!
Teacher - Pendle Vale College - 31/03/2023 - One Punch
Very valuable - students engaged in some really thought-provoking discussions, challenged their preconceptions. Session really connected to students and their own experiences. Thank you!
Teacher - Stockport School- 30/03/23 - CEOP
Valuable, engaging presentation and discussion. Students gained greater understanding of some hidden pitfalls of social media. Helped students understand certain areas they were unsure of.
Teacher- Westbourne Academy- 27/03/23
Excellent workshop and very valuable. good mixed discussions and well chosen videos. Lillie was a great facilitator and pupils responded very well. the workshop was very thought provoking and engaging, making students able to learn a lot.
Student- Westbourne Academy- 27/03/23
I believe taking part in this experience will have a positive impact on future choices. This is due to the fact that you learn about how every decision you make is important and how if you make the wrong ones, your life can be affected massively. It also taught me that anyone of any age can be at risk of being involved in any form of crime. For example, anyone can be used and brought into County Lines and be in extreme danger. Also, it was proved that quite literally anyone can be sent to prison and that even quite often innocent people have to serve time in prison. So to me, having being taught about this topic for a day seems and feels very influential as it’s such an important subject that I learned a lot about. Finally, I soon realised that prison life is completely different to what I believed it was before I had taken part in the PMNW workshop experience. Showing just how important and how much of a privilege it is to be taught and educated in this way.
Teacher - Skegness - 24/03/23 - County lines
I think quite a few where suprised by the mocked up prison cell, initial reactions where ‘i wouldn’t do that’ whilst they realised they would not have a choice. Kids enjoyed answering questions.
Teacher - Myton School - 09/03/23 - Domestic Abuse
Students were very engaged with the workshop, which generated a lot of discussion. The lively style got the students on side and made them feel comfortable to talk about some quite thought - provoking topics, in a way they wouldn’t in normal lessons. Thank you!
Tweet - Snaith School - 02/03/23
Thank you @pmnw1 for a brilliant day of workshops with our Year 10. Pupils. As always, the day was engaging, thought provoking and hard hitting at times. We strongly recommend this to every school.
Teacher - Malet Lambert - 01/03/23 - Online Safety
Very valuable - helped to clarify some of the key terms pupils hear but might not fully understand like grooming, exploitation, trafficking. Highlighted the dangers of certain apps and websites students use.
Teacher - NUSA - 23/02/23 - Anti-Social Behaviour
Super interactive and engaging! Bens honesty created an environment of confidence and students spoke their minds! Really enjoyed the session and learnt a lot about anti-social behaviour! Thank you.
Teacher - NUSA - 23/02/23 - Domestic Abuse
Jay delivered an amazing and informative presentation. She made the pupils feel empowered to share and discuss, pupils were able to ask questions and Jay handled all amazingly. A really informative and enlightening workshop presentation.
Teacher - NUSA - 22/02/23 - Prison Life
Excellent presenting (interactive and expressive). Clear explanations with examples of support. The cell experience evoked a strong emotive response from all the students and lots of thought provoking questions asked. All questions were answered with honesty and simplicity accessible to all. Thank you to you all!
Student - Castle View Academy - 16/02/23 - Choices
Choices and consequences because it gave a real insight on how the people in jail actually feel and the experience within the jail. Also, I liked the Prison Life because the ex prison officers told us their viewpoints and seen the inside of the jail cell.
Teacher - Trafalgar School - 09/02/23 - Prison Life
Very valuable- I think the students really benefitted from the workshop and the flexability of what the workshop provided. Students felt safe when asking questions and reassured on the conduct of answers given and has taken away misconceptions about prisons and prison life.
Teacher - Trafalgar School - 09/02/23 - Gangs/Knife crime
I think this session was very effective because it really went into real problems in the world and was very honest, good scenarios involving the pupils kept them engaged and fun, must come back!
Teacher - Park Community school - 08/02/23 - Domestic Abuse
It was valuable for students to think about what a healthy relationship looks like, nearly every pupil thought that it was ok for a partner to look through your messages, i think this session has helped them think about their boundaries. Some of the information really brought to light the effects i.e sending indecent images potentially resulting in being on the sex offenders register.
Teacher - Cowplain school - 07/02/23 - County Lines
Excellent pace to the session- made relevant by showing figures for this area. Students involved and engaged throughout. Very Valuable, informative and great interaction with students. The videos were informative.
Hayling college- 06/02/23 - Domestic Abuse
Great session! Students ‘warmed up’ and the group tasks/whole class discussion picked up a lot, nice style and delivery- very relatable and made a tricky subject relaxed and appropriate, dealt with students really well and made students think about safe and healthy relationships.
Teacher - Orchard Mead - 31/01/23 - One Punch
I think this session really made the students consider the conseuqences of getting into a fight. Julie had a great command of the room, students were engaged. The session was interactive and the students seemed to enjoy the questions and discussions. Great session!
Student - Newland School for girls - 26/01/23 - Crime and Safety Awareness
The 'choices' program stood out the most to be. This is because Jay shared her story honestly and I believe this was extremely brave especially sharing such a personal part of your life with school children who you don't know personally for their benefit so they don't make the same mistakes. The session came from someone who has experienced the reality of prison and how important it is to have even just 1 trusted person to talk to about anything. I think it was also the most realistic one as we got to see the prison cell and it just really brings everything to perspective. Jay is an inspiration for all because she turned her life around and that everyone can change.
Student - Newland School for girls - 26/01/23 - Social Media
i think internet safety stood out the most because everyone got a good explanation on why internet can be unsafe and what to do when someone grooms you online or tries to get your address.
Teacher - Netherhall School - 23/01/23 - County Lines
Very valuable, knowledge was low at the outset, confidence and knowledge built throughout the workshop. The knowledge of the topic was exeptionally well presented in a way the kids could really understand, some really challenging students in this session but you managed it really well and kept them onside and engaged.
Teacher - Duston School - 18/01/23 - Online Safety
Great presentation, lots of useful tips and information for the students to use. Great practical advice about terms and conditions and how to change settings really nice manner with the students, students responded well to Josie.
Teacher - Milton Keynes School - 17/01/23 - Gangs
Very valuable, all students gripped and engaged in what was being said. Gerry was brilliant in making the session relevant and interesting and welcomed questions from the group. Sensitive matters were dealt with care and consideration.
Teacher - Goffs School - 16/01/23 - Choices
Very thought provoking, students were engaged and asking lots of questions, a really amazing insight into the consequences of mistakes and giving a really vulnerable insight. Students were captivated and focused, what a life story! We can all learn from this.
Teacher - Goffs School - 16/01/23 - One Punch
Such an interesting workshop. Really gave students time to think about how easy it is to get in that situation. Videos were really effective and really engaged students. Julie had a great way with students by allowing them to express themselves and give opinions. Most pupils were under the impression if someone hits you first you can hit them back with no consequences legally, this really made them think differently.
Teacher - Lincoln Christ Hospital School - 12/01/23 - Online Safety
Great session, very informative. Very relatable for year 10 (looking at different social media channels). Statistics where helpful. Sad about the boy who was murdered. Needed to be heard by the students as things are changing quickly. Thank you very much.
Teacher - Outwood Academy Scunthorpe - 11/01/23 - Online Safety
Great session, lots of intresting facts and information on social media, that the students didn’t know. Good discussions and questions. Super valuable session! Thank you!