Buckingham primary academy

On Tuesday 28th of March, a small team of us carried out a ‘Your Choice Day’ at Buckingham Primary Academy in Hull. The year 5 and 6 pupils took part in an exciting day of workshops, starting with a session on ‘The Law’ in Britain. This tackles issues such as peer pressure and respect towards the police. Other workshops included Online Safety, Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and Drugs. The students also took part in a Prison Life workshop where they had the opportunity to ask a number of questions on what prison is really like. Our team also brought along a ‘mock cell’ that the kids could look around themselves and experience the kind of conditions a prisoner would have to stay in! This was a particularly exciting and memorable point for them. Our team thoroughly enjoyed attending this school. The kids were absolutely fantastic and got stuck in to all of the workshops and was a absolute credit to themselves and the school.


