St Angela’s Ursuline School 16/05/22
On the 16th of May, a small team of our PMNW staff travelled all the way down to London to visit St Angela’s Ursuline School for a Crime and Safety Awareness Day. The girls in year 9 took part in a wide variety of workshops which included ‘Prison Life’, ‘Choice and Consequences’, ‘Domestic Abuse’ and ‘County Lines’. Arthur and Chris from the Police Firearms team also attended the day to carry out sessions on their roles. Overall, the girls learnt a whole lot from their day. As a trust, we collect feedback from each of our crime days from both teachers and pupils. Some of the comments which the year 9 students made demonstrates just how much they had taken away from the day. One wrote ‘the choices you make can greatly affect your future so think wisely and take knowledge and experience from others to make the right ones’. We would like to send our thanks to all of the staff at St Angela’s for taking care of us during our visit.