St Anne’s Academy 05/04/22


On 5th of April 2022 the PMNW team took a trip to Rochdale to carry out a Crime and Safety Awareness Day at St Anne’s Academy. Year 8 pupils took part in a jam-packed day of workshops including Prison Life, Choices and Consequences, County Lines, One Punch and Knife Crime. Although the day was wet and rainy, this did not put a dampener on the pupils spirits! They were ready to get involved and eager to learn a lot. They especially enjoyed the trip out to the mock up cell during the Prison Life session. This meant they got to experience what it was like in a real prison cell, with a lot of students saying it was significantly smaller than they had imagined it to be. We would like to say a big thank you to the staff at St Anne’s for looking after us during our visit and we look forward to teaching there again in the near future!


Cottingham High School 25/04/22


Nottingham Girls School 25/02/22